Tuesday, June 26, 2018


On a scale from muni to bust, I'm way over on the bust side.  I am still not riding.

I've mostly been spending my free time on home projects and relaxing in front of my computer or tv.  My only sport has been disc golf, mostly played with a coworker or two at the MCC course during our work lunch break.  Some evenings I'll practice putting in my yard.

My 8 year muni anniversary was yesterday. It doesn't seem right to say I've been riding for 8 years though because in the past year I only rode once on the Hojack and once on the snowy street.  I also rode around the neighborhood a few times this spring.

Will I start riding more?  Probably not much if any.  I have many home improvement projects I'm interested in and I would rather go play a round of disc golf then feel the pain of muni, for now.  Plus once I'm done with the home projects I have in mind, I always have a number of software and electronics projects waiting in mothballs.  Muni is more fun when I'm in shape and have been doing it for some time.  If I'm not going to invest in doing it regularly, it's less worth doing.  Still, I reserve the right to do it anyway.