Sunday, April 5, 2020

Muni Reboot?

I've been sedentary for a long time now.  So for exercise I've been toying with the idea of getting back into muni. For muni to be fun I need to be in shape and that takes time, effort, and self-motivation. I'm not going to kid myself and say I'm totally getting back into it, but today I at least made the first step of getting out there for a ride.
I rode the easiest trail in my area: the Hojack. I started at North Ponds Park and rode to the west trail end and back, 7 miles. It was about 51°F out which is pretty nice for exercising and keeping cool.

I forgot to take pics on the trail. I rode my fat tire 26" Oregon.

MapMyRide link

The trail was in good shape aside from about three muddy sections. I forgot how draining those are to push through: heave ho heave ho heave ho. After the 10-20 seconds it took to fight a mud section I was out of breath and concentrating on just continuing on. I'm out of shape.

Hiker and biker traffic seemed at the normal level I remember for a busy day, something like an encounter every half mile. When passing I was thinking about corona virus social distancing, but really I just normally give people as much space as possible anyway.  I kind nodded instead of saying hello and breathed less and more shallow as if to avoid inhaling the possibly infected air. I don't know how scientific that is, but whatever.

I feel good about getting out and can see myself getting out again soon.

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