Thursday, July 17, 2014

2014 Fat Tire Festival Test Run #3

This Sunday is the Fat Tire Festival race and I'm preparing. Yesterday I was going to ride the course again but I was exhausted and decided it best to wait until today.  I have been staying up too late and getting up too early.   I tried to get to bed earlier, but I'm still pretty tired today, but nevertheless I rode at Dryer this afternoon.

I was able to get two laps in.  Again I had minimal dismounts, though in the race I'll likely have to dismount to let bikes pass.  I'm fairly certain I won't be able to climb a steep section of Helix in race conditions, but I'll do my best to give it a try on my first lap.  I expect I'll be too fatigued after that.  In my second lap today I was certainly more fatigued, but I was able to push through, but I'm still worried about a third lap on race day.

Once again I found few opportunities to use my high gear, favoring the low gear while my breathing and heart rate recovered.  Again I rode out into the sport field to simulate the race start/finish line and again decided the high gear wasn't worth it.  So I'm leaning toward swapping my much lighter non-geared wheel back in.

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