Saturday, August 1, 2009

First Real Muni Ride!

This morning I rode a stretch of the Hojack Trail here in Webster.
I made a google map to figure my distance. 3.3 miles!
The whole trip took about an hour. I walked a only a tiny amount, to get around mud or across some roads.
It was hard work but a lot of fun! The trail surface varies quite a bit: gravel/dirt, smooth dirt, crushed rock, mud, grass, road crossings. Some of it is 6 feet wide and other parts are single track about 8 inches wide. Though any vegetation is typically cut back about 6 feet. It's a well maintained trail. If I'm not sore tomorrow, I might go again, and take some pictures. The Hojack Trail page doesn't really show all the terrain.

The crushed rock and mud were definitely a challenge. There were a few dozen mud zones, usually about a meter long. One must have been about six meters long. On my way back I got all the way through it but then I UPD'ed at the very end. At least I was left standing past the mud!

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